house tips

healthy food

These 20 Foods Can Serve As Homemade Remedies!

With so much information everywhere, we are all somewhat literate about maintaining our mental and physical wellbeing. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, reducing soda, sweets consumption, and exercise. However, many individuals are still used to consumption of processed foods, with no nutritional value, lesser variety etc. It could be said that …

home remedies

healthy food

When And Why To Avoid Ginger Consumption

Ginger root is well known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. It is recommended as a natural medicine for carious conditions because of the nutrients and phytochemicals. In some situations is good to know that can actually worsen a certain existing issue. Situations that you shouldn’t use ginger include: …

healthy tips

home remedies

diet and exercise

healthy recipes

Terrific Homemade Recipe for Battling Colds and Viruses!

This remedy is absolutely terrific. However, the recipe should be prepared one week prior to consumption. Ingredients: One garlic Apple cider vinegar (ACV) Horseradish root (medium) One slice of ginger Preparation: Peel and smash the garlic, crush the horseradish and peel and chop the ginger slice. After you are done …

healthy recipes

healthy recipes

How To Make Cough Sweets

This is great natural cold and flu remedy that will help soothe your throat and cure you if you’re feeling ill. A simple natural medicine. Ingredients: 1 Cup of sugar 1/2 Cup of water 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice 1 Tablespoon of honey 1/2 Teaspoon of ground ginger 1/4 Teaspoon of ground …