diet and exercise

diet and exercise

diet and exercise

12 Fitness Rules

Fitness is a science and it has own rules which in one moment you will learn the easier or the harder way. Some things simply work, others don’t. Your body is a perfectly programmed machinery and will charge every mistake you will make. In order not to have this, follow …

diet and exercise

This Cucumber Diet Will Make You Lose 7 Kg In 7 Days!

This vegetable is often used for beauty regimes and face masks, acne cleansing and many more. But cucumber is very effective at losing weight, too! This one-week cucumber diet boosts your metabolism and clears your intestines and digestive tract, which leads to weight loss. Repeat the following daily diet plan …

diet and exercise

UN DIET – 90 Days To Proper Weight

  DAY 1 Protein day Lunch: piece of whole wheat bread salad in unlimited quantities Cabbage, lettuce,cucumber, tomato, eggplant tomato, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, olives, celery, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, kale, beets, onions, garlic, chard 1/2 pound of meat (boiled, roasted) or 3 boiled eggs cottage cheese or mocarela …