healthy food

Here’s Why You Should Eat Oatmeal Every Day

Whole oats are one of the healthiest foods on the planet: these gluten-free grains are packed with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, and should be an everyday food staple. Health Benefits of Oats Studies have shown that whole oats lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk …

healthy tips

8 Healthy Eating Goals

Small changes can make a big difference to your health. Try incorporating at least six of the eight healthy eating goals below into your diet. Commit to incorporating one new healthy eating goal each week over the next six weeks Make half your plate fruits and vegetables Choose red, orange, …

diet and exercise

Diet For Blood Type AB

Diet For Blood Type AB Advantages– tolerant immunity Weaknesses– sensitive digestive system, prone to virus infections DIET INSTRUCTIONS: always take the very “beneficial”; you can eat the “neutral”, completely avoid the “harmful”.   BENEFICIAL: MEAT: lamb meat, turkey, sheep meat (it is very important not to exceed 300grams per week); …