beauty tips

This Is How Useful Wine Is!

The advantages of wine regarding beauty have been discovered long time ago, and according the words of the esthetical surgeon Richard Bagster, this alcoholic drink rich with antioxidants can do miracles for your skin, if of course, you don’t drink too much of it. Against aging Wine contains a large …

healthy tips

UV Index and Danger: How To Protect Yourself!

Even though summer is here and talking about UV index is quite popular, many people don’t know what this is. Out of all sun rays, the UV rays take only about 10%. The largest part of these 10% is absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere, especially the dangerous …

healthy tips

Why You Should Try Freezing Aloe Vera

The health benefits of Aloe Vera are numerous: with its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, Aloe is an excellent topical treatment for several skin problems. This plant is also a great cleansing agent that helps the digestive system. Some studies have even linked consumption of Aloe with increased insulin sensitivity. …

beauty tips