healthy recipes

Terrific Homemade Recipe for Battling Colds and Viruses!

This remedy is absolutely terrific. However, the recipe should be prepared one week prior to consumption. Ingredients: One garlic Apple cider vinegar (ACV) Horseradish root (medium) One slice of ginger Preparation: Peel and smash the garlic, crush the horseradish and peel and chop the ginger slice. After you are done …

home remedies

healthy recipes

How To Make Cough Sweets

This is great natural cold and flu remedy that will help soothe your throat and cure you if you’re feeling ill. A simple natural medicine. Ingredients: 1 Cup of sugar 1/2 Cup of water 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice 1 Tablespoon of honey 1/2 Teaspoon of ground ginger 1/4 Teaspoon of ground …

healthy tips

home remedies

Get Rid of Flu and Cold with This Magical Remedy

Colds and flu can be pretty annoying and if you don’t treat them properly it can turn out to be very serious. A dry cough often goes with flu and cold and it can be uncomfortable, leaving you without concentration. If you want to get rid of these annoying conditions …

healthy food

Ginger-Garlic Soup Against Colds & Flu

Guess what? No need for the flu shot since there is a different, natural and homemade remedy! Almost no virus is immune to a soup made from 50 garlic cloves, lemon and thyme. Norovious viruses, fly and colds are not exceptions! Alicin is a chemical ingredient found in garlic that …

healthy tips

healthy tips