home remedies

The Powerful Health Benefits of Beet Kvass

Is it possible to detox your body and nourish it while boosting your energy levels at the same time? Yes, it’s entirely possible, thanks to a traditional Eastern Europe beverage called Beet Kvass. Beet kvass was originally made from fermented, stale rye bread: a fizzy, nutritious, tasty tonic with numerous …

diet and exercise

Sugar Detox: One Week Meal Plan

Added sugar is everywhere: it’s packed in so many processed foods that it seems almost impossible to avoid it. However, if you want to be healthy, stay healthy, reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, improve your energy levels, have better skin and hair, it’s crucial to stay away from …

healthy food

healthy tips

healthy food

healthy food

5 Reasons to Eat a Cucumber Every Day

Did you know that cucumbers are one of the healthiest foods on the planet? It’s true, these low-calorie vegetables are packed with nutrients and can help your body fight off various diseases. Health Benefits of Consuming Cucumbers Cucumbers are made up of mostly water – around 95% – which makes …

healthy tips

Cleanse Your Kidneys with This Simple Recipe

Kidneys are vitally important organs in our body and you need to detoxify them from time to time. If you don’t know how to do it, then this is a perfect article for you. If you have fatigue, unexplained weight gain, mood swings or bloating, then your kidneys probably need …

home remedies

beauty tips

healthy recipes