healthy recipes

Orange Smoothie – the Best for All Seasons!

This smoothie will keep you full for a few hours, it will keep you energized, fresh and most importantly – it will keep you healthy since it has large amounts of vitamin C, among the many others. What you will need is: One orange One nectarine One kiwi One carrot …

healthy food

Top 10 Vegetarian High Protein Sources

Whether you’re trying to build muscle, lose weight or just eat a healthy diet, it’s essential to consume enough protein. But what if you’re a vegetarian or a vegan – is it even possible to meet the recommended guidelines for protein intake? Sure it is! There are plenty of meat …

diet and exercise

DIY Drink Burns Your Belly Fat in a Week

The banana provides many health benefits, since its rich in potassium, vitamin C and B-6, and some antioxidant compounds. It relieves depression, boosts your brain power, and relieves morning sickness. Also, the banana can cure hangovers, protects against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness. In combination with flax seeds or …

healthy tips

home remedies