Uric Acid Crystallization Could Be a Big Problem: Prevent Gout and Joint Pain with This Tips and Tricks

Gout is a big problem and it can make life much more difficult that it should be. It occurs with people who have a problem with the digestion system of uric causes, and that, in the end, causes the development of arthritis in the small bones that are placed in our feet.

Uric Acid Crystallization Could Be a Big Problem: Prevent Gout and Joint Pain with This Tips and Tricks

Gout is caused by uric acid that is gathered in the joint of the feet, and as a result, we get firm and swollen feet that hurt a lot. People who suffer from gout often have hyperuricemia (expanded uric acid levels in the blood). But people who have hyperuricemia don’t have to have gout.

The amount of uric acid that kidneys don’t evacuate is stored in the joints. But, there are some ways to get rid of that acid.

First, you can try to change some habits in your life, such as dietary habits. Food like veggies, fish, and whole grain will help you in getting rid of acid crystallization. Also, try drinking a lot of water, since that will also help.

Tricks That Will Help You with Gout

Lemon juice – Lemon is one of the healthiest fruits that is and lemon juice will decrease the creation of uric acid gems. Drink big amounts of lemon juice mixed with water, and drink it before breakfast.

Curcumin – This ingredient will help your kidneys and improve their health. It also has anti-infective properties, so in one way or another, you should introduce it to your diet.

Baking soda – Just mix one-half teaspoon of baking soda in a big glass of water. Drink it daily.

Flax seeds – They are excellent when it comes to decreasing the uric acid levels.

Apple cider vinegar – ACV contains malic acid and that helps the alkalinity in the body, and it will break down uric acid and flush it away from the body. You just need to pour one tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water and drink it twice a day (before diner and lunch).

PineapplesPineapple is great in preventing coughing because it contains bromelain. This ingredient is also a painkiller and it has anti-infection effects.