healthy food

Vitamin shake recipe to gain more power (tested :))

Take vitamin shake for more power Ingredients: 3 eggs from quail 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (rich in protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber. Contains 5 times more calcium than milk and three times more iron than spinach, 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries and 2 times more potassium than bananas. …

diet and exercise

3 Tasty Smoothies That Will Burn Your Belly Fat Like Crazy

Excess body fat is reason for many health problems like: heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, and increased risk of having cancer. High-fiber foods are ideal choice for people who have problem with constipation. This food will make you feel full much longer, and your need for food will slowly …

healthy tips

home remedies