diet and exercise

healthy tips

Your Poop Can Tell a Lot About Your Health

It is a bit embarrassing to talk about our poop, but when it comes to health, you need to know some aspects of it. Changes in our bowel movement can be caused by changes in our diet, infection or some other more serious disease. When it comes to the components …

diet and exercise

Why Is It Bad To Eat Less When Trying To Lose Weight?

Why is it bad to eat less, in order to lose weight? When we consume less food, our body sees this as a threat. In about 48 hours the basal metabolism slows down and we quickly start to function good with the restrictive calories intake, however low it is. The …

diet and exercise

diet and exercise

diet and exercise

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diet and exercise

UN DIET – 90 Days To Proper Weight

  DAY 1 Protein day Lunch: piece of whole wheat bread salad in unlimited quantities Cabbage, lettuce,cucumber, tomato, eggplant tomato, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, olives, celery, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, kale, beets, onions, garlic, chard 1/2 pound of meat (boiled, roasted) or 3 boiled eggs cottage cheese or mocarela …

diet and exercise

Too Good To Be True Diet – The Sirtfood Plan

Imagine diet that has red wine and chocolate on the menu. Sounds too good to be true? Well two nutritionists Aidan Gogins and Glenn Matin designed and tested this diet and have portrayed it in the book “The Sirtfood Diet: The revolutionary plan for health and weight loss “. What is the science behind …

diet and exercise

Pritikin Diet

There is nothing extreme about the Pritikin Diet except that it is extremely healthy. In more than 100 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals, the Pritikin Program of Diet and Exercise has been found to not only promote weight loss but also prevent and control many of the world’s leading …