diet and exercise

diet and exercise

Women Fitness Myths!

More and more people realize that they need more exercise and change in their everyday life so the gym gets more popular every day. Women usually avoid fitness. Unfortunately they are uninformed and not interested for sport principles, nor for the possibilities. Fear of weight is even more influential for …

home remedies

diet and exercise

Why Is It Bad To Eat Less When Trying To Lose Weight?

Why is it bad to eat less, in order to lose weight? When we consume less food, our body sees this as a threat. In about 48 hours the basal metabolism slows down and we quickly start to function good with the restrictive calories intake, however low it is. The …

home remedies

healthy recipes

Cleanse Toxins Stored In Your Fat Cells

Our body is constructed in such a way so that the toxins are naturally and non-stop removed from the body. However, in today’s lifestyle we are exposed to chemically processed foods all the time. Toxicity is almost impossible to be avoided and our liver and our digestive tract can easily …

diet and exercise

diet and exercise

diet and exercise

UN DIET – 90 Days To Proper Weight

  DAY 1 Protein day Lunch: piece of whole wheat bread salad in unlimited quantities Cabbage, lettuce,cucumber, tomato, eggplant tomato, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, olives, celery, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, kale, beets, onions, garlic, chard 1/2 pound of meat (boiled, roasted) or 3 boiled eggs cottage cheese or mocarela …

healthy tips

Let’s Talk Healthy Eating

Eating healthy foods will keep your body strong and well-nourished. It will also help you maintain a healthy weight. Eating lots of foods high in calories, with extra saturated fat, added sugar and salt, such as fast foods, will pile on the weight – putting extra stress on joints and …