How Clay Can Help Your Health And Beauty!

Clay is a great detoxification product for the whole body – including the skin. You can make masks, compressions, cosmetics out of it, but you can also treat any skin issues and joint and bones pain. Warm baths with clay cleanse the organism from toxins and heavy metals. Clay also …

Make Your Own Healthy Lemon Ginger Cough Drops!

Fight against flu with homemade lemon ginger cough drops Ingredients: Ginger Cup of water Cup of sugar (you can use brown) Half a lemon 2 tablespoons of honey 1 tablespoon of clove Preparation: Cut the ginger in small pieces at first, and make a puree of it. Next, add it …

A Cup Of Thyme Tea A Day – Keeps The Doctor Away!

Thyme has been used for quite some time for treatment of numerous diseases. It used to be mixed with lavender and scattered on the church floors during the Middle Ages to get rid of any undesired smells. Crushed thyme was used with bandages to accelerate healing of wounds and protecting …

This Drink Will Help You Restore Your pH balance!

Potential hydrogen, or pH has a scale of values going from 0-14. Zero is acidic while fourteen is alkaline and 7 is the neutral middle. The human organism is best to be in a mildly alkaline environment of 7,45. However, note that this is different for each organ and tissue. …

Turmeric Magically Cures Depression!

A mood disorder, commonly called depression is symptomized with bad mood and numerous different symptoms, varying from one person to another. It is frequent, and the mildest type shows that most people can carry on with their lifestyle if they have access to proper support and treatment. If it is …

This Simple Remedy Will Help You Get Rid Of Nasty Cough!

If you are constantly coughing or have bronchitis, this remedy is the right thing for you! Honey and bananas sooth the soreness of the throat, they get you relief from coughing and as a bonus – they can even help with stomach issues! All you need is the following ingredients: …

Check This Awesome Ginger Jam Recipe!

During this season of colds, when people are more prone to catching colds and other virus’ infections, it is necessary to pay more attention to your health. The best way to defend yourself against all of these intruders is getting the immune system stronger. We prepared this recipe only for …