Grape Jelly – Natural Remedy With Old Tradition

Grape Jelly was well known within our ancestors with its original flavor and aroma and huge beneficial effects on human health. Our grandparents used it as natural sweetener and sometimes even for feeding infants as this grape malt is said to be nutritious as milk. Rich in minerals (potassium, sodium, …

Three Ingredients Remedy to Clean Kidneys Stones

With this kidney stone juice recipe you will get rid of kidney stones in very short period of time, usually between 3-6 days depending of the size of stones. The recipe ensures success most of the times (especially if the size is as of a grain of wheat), its completely natural and …

DIY Drink Burns Your Belly Fat in a Week

The banana provides many health benefits, since its rich in potassium, vitamin C and B-6, and some antioxidant compounds. It relieves depression, boosts your brain power, and relieves morning sickness. Also, the banana can cure hangovers, protects against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness. In combination with flax seeds or …

6000 Years Old Cookie Recipe

This very tasty cookie is mentioned in the old records – were taken by warriors for strength before going into battle,while women ate it to stimulate hormonal glands The desire for sweets among people is present from long time ago,the main difference is what we eat and what they ate long ago. We …

The Famous Recipe by Prof. Dr. Mermerski: 4 Tablespoons Of This Remedy A Day Can Cure Cancer

This unique recipe was invented by famous oncologist Dr.Mermerski which was successfully applied against the most severe disease According to people who used this remedy effect on the entire organism was amazing. Cleans blood vessels, heart, enhances immunity, cleanses the kidneys, excretion system, improves the performance of the brain and memory, …