Papaya is extra healthy and it has many health properties, but did you know that you can use papaya seeds as well? These seeds can be used to detoxify liver, digestive system and kidneys.

These seeds are great because of their anti-inflammatory properties, and you can use them for a variety of health problems.
Benefits of Papaya Seeds
Prevent Cancer
Papaya seeds are full of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, so they are natural antioxidant with the ability to slow down the growth of tumor cells. They can prevent lungs, colon, breast and prostate cancer because they also contain phytonutrient isothiocyanate.
Reduce Inflammation
Enzymes papain and chymopapain can be found in the papaya seeds and they are great anti-inflammatory agents. Papaya seeds can be used in a fight against asthma, gout, arthritis and joint pain.
Detoxify Kidneys
If you want to eliminate toxins from your kidneys, the best way to do that is to use papaya seeds. They also have antibacterial properties, so they will protect you from toxins and bacteria.
Improve Digestion
Papaya seeds have anti-parasite and antibacterial properties, so they can remove microorganisms that live in your intestinal tract and that can harm you. They are also great if you have food poisoning, you just need to eat one tablespoon of papaya seeds.
Lower Blood Pressure
Recent studies have shown that papaya fruit is great when it comes to improving cardiovascular health. That is because of carpaine-a, a compound that can be found in the papaya seeds and leaves, and that can also lower high blood pressure.
Detoxify Liver
Just one tablespoon of papaya seeds per day can help you have healthy and toxins-free liver. There are studies that prove that, but you will also need to quit drinking and change your lifestyle.