It is one of the world’s most popular beverage brands, but its ingredients pave the way for it to be so much more. Coca-Cola contains acids and different chemicals that can be differently used. That being said, there are various ways that coke can be used that remain unfamiliar to people used to drinking it.

10 Practical Uses For Coca-Cola
- Gum Removal
To everyone’s surprise, coke has proven to be extremely successful in removing gum from the hair. Just soak the sticky hair in a glass of coke and leave it for a couple minutes. The acids present in the drink, destroy and weaken the hair’s keratin while at the same time hardening the gum, creating a strong contract which makes separation easier. - Pain Neutralizer
Just to make it clear, coke is not a cure for serious injuries, but it does help if sprayed on an insect bite or bee sting. This will make the wound heal faster. This is a cheap, easy and quick life hack. - Pesticide
Believe it or not, it is not unusual to use coke as pesticide. Actually, coke has become more popular between farmers in India of termination of pest due to its affordability and effectiveness. Apparently the high levels of sugar within the beverage make it effective in battling pests. Although the method has become very common in the most populated country in the world, do not expect to see this use within the promotion of coke advertisements. - Jellyfish Sting Relief
These can be painful, and pouring coke on the area can negate the venom effect, thus reducing pain. - Color Fader
Coke can be a tool to dull the color of your hair if you have a darker shade than you prefer. The acids from the drink can weaken the dye, and while it is strange, the solution to the hair disaster you experienced can come from the fridge, rather than the bathroom. - Dishwasher
Although coke might not look as if it can clean properly, the chemicals it contains can act as grime dissolvers. Kitchenware can get greasy and blackened after a long period of use, but pouring coke on the affected area, leaving it for awhile can work miracles. - Hair Curling
Phosphoric acid present in the beverage can help enhancing the natural curls of one’s hair. - Coin Scrubbing
The acidic compounds present in coke can clean really old, oxygenized coins. - Removing Gas Smell From Clothing
Accidents at gas stations do happen, and it is known that it is quite difficult to remove gasoline smell from clothes. While washing cannot take care of the issue, coca cola steps in! Just pour a can of coke in the washer and voila! - Toilet Bowl Cleaner
It can seem strange to use coke as substitute for products that contain such strong chemicals, but the thing is – it does work! Simply pour the drink in the toilet and leave for an hour. Scrub and flush afterwards.