You Must Not Touch These 7 Body Parts With Your Hands!

Even if we regularly wash our hands, we still use them and the fingers to touch different surfaces in our surroundings and so we put our health in jeopardy. The danger from diseases increases if we wear jewelry or have longer nails which are well known “dirt collectors”. These parts …

Garlic Oil Works Miracles!

Garlic oil is a natural antibiotic which protects the organism from fungus and bacteria growth which are the reasons for occurrence of many respiratory and stomach diseases. Garlic oil is the best guardian of the heart. It regulates the heart arrhythmia it improves the work of the blood vessels and …

Here Is Why Antioxidants Are Neccessary!

Antioxidants are incredibly powerful enzymes which prevent oxidation of other molecules and prevent development of diseases like cancer, heart failure, strokes, they strengthen the immune system, they protect the organism of all types of diseases of the vital organs, the preserve memory, they lower the risk of digestive tract diseases, …

Impact Of Toilet Sitting Position To Your Health

Modern toilets bring all sorts of diseases The Israeli Journal of Medical Sciences published a study about the sitting position when going to the toilet and that it actually causes: Hemorrhoids Intestine inflammation Colon cancer Pelvic disease Crown disease The frequency of intestine diseases is similar in South African whites …

Remember Not To Keep Watermelon in the Fridge!

A recent research conducted by the American Ministry of Agriculture shows that all who consume watermelon stored in the fridge make a huge mistake. Namely, as the experts say, the watermelon should be kept on a room temperature in order to preserve all of the nutrients it contains. When cold, …

Do Not Cross Your Legs On One Knee! Here’s Why!

Crossing the legs over one knee is very common, especially for women. Although this position looks sexy and also elegant, it seriously affects our health. This one simple move may cause serious circulation problems. Peroneal nerve paralysis or palsy is caused by being in a same posture for a long …

Science Finally Reveals The Truth About Good Sleep!

If you thought until now that only a comfortable pillow will be enough for a good sleep, one new study will change your mind. Namely, the study provides evidence that your sleep will be of better quality if you have something worth of waking up the next day. This is …

7 Tips To Deal With Insomnia During Summer Heat!

When temperatures get really high, many people have problems with sleeping. To chill the room where you sleep, we provide a few simple advices to help you get cooler. Use aloe vera gel It is known that aloe vera cools the skin, especially if the tube with this product is …

These Yoga Poses Cut Down Belly Fat In No Time!

Almost everyone has to fight belly fat at some point in life. Having a nice, toned flat belly can take quite some time and effort even with balanced diet and regular physical activity. But, do not get disappointed because these easy yoga positions can do miracles for your body core. …