The sad fact is that there are 95,000 new cases of colon cancer and 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer in the United States annually. Half of those patients die from this type of cancer.

Another fact is that conventional treatments like chemotherapy and surgery are not successful like with other types of cancer. They also have a lot of side effects. But, new discover brings hope to cancer patients.
American Scientists published a study in the Cancer Research Journal at the University of Adelaide where they show that lauric acid contained in coconut oil has cancer-killing properties. The study has shown how only in two days this component killed 90% of cancer cells.
This study was conducted in a Petri dish, under hermetic conditions, and it was not conducted on a living organism. Due to lack financial support, there are not enough studies that can show positive effects of cancer-killing properties of coconut oil. Another sad fact is that pharmaceutical companies want to sell their product and because of that they are not showing so much interest in this oil.
Besides this amazing health effect, coconut oil has many other health properties. Lauric acid is also a component of breast milk and it can boost your immunity. There are several studies that have shown how coconut oil protect from diseases, and in some cases cure them. It can be used for gallbladder infections, Alzheimer’s, chronic illnesses, herpes, osteoporosis and many other diseases.
So, if you have coconut oil in your home, be sure to use it in one way or another. It will improve many aspects of your life and protect you from many diseases.