Most people that are over forty years have experienced joint pain at some point in their life. For some – it is a rare problem that goes away quickly, for others – it’s a chronic burden that results in addiction to some potentially dangerous medicaments. Pain in the joints can affect one’s everyday normal functioning. If it happens to older people, it usually means that it will cause mobility loss and dependent living.

Arthritis and Joint
The place where two bones move or meet, is called joint. Pain in the joint can be a result of inflammation or arthritis. Pain, heat, loss of function and swelling are all symptoms of inflammation. Arthritis can be caused by few factors: injury, degeneration of the joints or autoimmune disease. Gout can be a cause of a specific form of arthritis because of the excess of uric acid in the organism.
Ligaments and cartilage are two types of special tissues that provide stability and cushioning to the joints which are necessary for joint function. Collagen and elastin are the ingredients of these tissues as well as proteoglycans. With arthritis, these joint structures can get inflamed and damaged and these proteins can get destroyed.
High number of anti-inflammatory medications are used just for suppression of arthritis symptoms. They can be efficient in pain relief, or swelling reduce, but they do not solve the problem. They just keep the symptoms under control. They also have side-effects which shouldn’t be ignored. These are especially dangerous with prolonged consumption. Examples: bleeding ulcers in the stomach, kidney damage, high blood pressure or diabetes. Studies have even discovered that these medications can eve worsen the joints condition.
Don’t get too scared though. Your organism can have assistance in preventing, controlling or even reversing joint inflammation.
Solution 1: Anti-inflammatory Foods Consumption
There are certain foods that promote inflammation, while others can prevent it. If you have pain in the joints make sure you avoid these foods:
Red meet, fried foods, organ meats and dairy products – they are all full with unhealthy fats. White rice and pasta, refined flour products, preservatives and artificial food colorings.
Try to eat more of these foods: fatty cold water fish: sardines, tuna, salmon and mackerel. Healthy oils: virgin olive oil, coconut oil, than flaxseed oil, avocados and olives. Fresh vegetables and fruit are always “a must”: pineapple, berries, melons, papaya, nuts, seeds etc.
Also, keep in mind that obesity promotes inflammation, and can worsen the situation due the overweight.
Solution 2: Cleansing and Detoxifying the Body
Infection also stimulates inflammation. Be aware of any signs of chronic infections in the organism. The mouth, the sinuses, the skin and the nails should get special attention.
Sometimes, treatment of chronic inflammation may need assistance from a doctor. But natural ways are through consumption of herbs, programs for colonic irritation, massages, sauna and liquid fasts can be very useful with regular frequency.
Solution 3: Supplements Consumption
Some supplements that have strong anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties include:
- Omega 3 fatty acids. The dosage should be 2-5 gr. daily.
- Vitamin A, C, E, antioxidants and selenium
- Ginger, boswelllia, ginger, aloe, curcumin, nettle leaf extract, schizandra and rosemary.
Different supplements specifically provide the organism with building material for repair of the damaged proteins: glucosamine sulfate, SAMe, chondroitin sulfate, high dose of vitamin C, minerals like copper, boron, manganese and zinc. All of these need to be consumed in appropriate doses, for a period of at least 8 weeks in order to have significant benefits.
Solution 4: Exercising
Healthy joints have to be strong and supple. The key to this is of course – regular physical activity. Strengthening the muscles enabling joint movement also improves the stability of the joint, reducing future cartilage injury.
Strength training seems like the most suitable form of exercise for stimulation of growth and correct alignment of the collagen fibers in formation of new tissues of a recovering joint. The start should be slow, when the phase of no pain is reached. Physiotherapist supervision can be very useful, and may include methods like stretching, massage and heat. Certain yoga postures are excellent for arthritic joints.
Solution 5: Stress Management
Develop an emotional and spiritual support system such as healthy relationships, prayer, meditation. These and other spiritual practices can greatly facilitate the healing process.
Constant non-managed stress can produce chemical imbalances in the organism that can promote inflammation. It is quite important to learn how to identify stress causes and management methods in order to control joint inflammation.