Regularity of the stool represents one of the basic pillars of the health and normal function of the organism.

Food remains, after its digestion, get in the colon and have to be removed from the body. If this does not happen, hazardous and unnecessary materia accumulate and pose a threat to the organism health. This can results with occasional, and later chronic pain in the lower back and the abdomen.
Western lifestyle – a reason for bad digestion
Constipation is very frequent in the lives of western people, while it is relatively rare in areas of developing countries. This is not because of lack of food, but because of its structure.
Dr. Denis Burkitt spend his working years in East Africa, and he almost never saw a problem of irregular stool in the local population that ate “food for the poor”, full of fiber.
His patients were western rich people that had different food habits, and constipation. But food is not the only cause of bad digestion. It can also be affected by stress, insufficient consumption of liquids and seating lifestyle.
If we want to permanently solve this problem, we need to change our habits. But that is the hardest thing, in any segment of human life. This is where nature steps in.
Nature offers a solution
One of the most efficient herbs for solving easier cases of constipations is psyllium (Plantago ovata). Plantago psyllium and Plantago indica have very similar effects.
Psyllium is a one year plant with branched stems and very narrow leaves. The tiny flowers are complex and on top of the stem and on side branches. It grows in India, Iran, Asia Minor and South Europe.
This herb contains fiber, lipids, non-saturated fatty acids and a lot of secretion.
The secretion in the intestines creates a substance similar to mucus. It is very important because of “lubrication” of the intestines.
The fiber helps in creating bigger volume and resistance to digestive enzymes, so that it goes relatively easy through the stomach to the colon.
There they keep the water, and stimulate the peristaltic of the intestines.
This herb has power to increase volume to even 15 times, which ensures eased discharge of the intestines.
Easily and gently “unclogs” the intestines
The described mechanism is similar to the mechanism of many water unclogs. And what is best, using this natural medicine, even for a longer period of time, has no side effects.
You can use it as a replacement for synthetic medicines.
Because of its easy effect it is used for patients that have pelvis trauma for regulation of consistency of the stool.
It is very interesting that psyllium, although primarily being a laxative, can help with calming of diarrhea.
Psyllium can be used during pregnancy and nursing. Still, pregnant women should ask for a doctor advice before using it.
This herb is not recommended if you are using cholesterol or diabetes medicines, or if you have obstructions in the digestive system.
Psyllium can help with:
- chronic constipation
- irritable colon
- ulcer colitis
- high cholesterol connected to chronic constipation
- regulation of consistency of stool with broken bones on the pelvis
- diverticulosis
- non-bacterial diarrhea
- lazy bowel syndrome
- Crown disease
Using Psyllium
Psyllium is available in pills, powder or flakes.
Take 1-3 teaspoons, solute it with water or apple juice. Leave it for 5 minutes and drink. Drink much liquids during the day, to make the psyllium effect stronger.
- For constipation, for drainage of the intestines 7-25 grams a day
- For diarrhea 10-30 grams a day
- For decreasing cholesterol levels 10 grams a day