healthy tips

healthy tips

20 Possible Cancer Symptoms You Must Not Ignore!

To protect yourself from cancer, don’t just rely on routine tests, it is equally important to listen to your body and notice anything different, strange or unexplainable. These are some signs you must not ignore: Difficulties breathing or lack of air One of the first signs in many lung cancer …

healthy tips

healthy tips

Waking Up Every Night at The Same Time Means This

Our body has its own system of working and its own internal mechanisms. That means that clocks in our body control function of the organs. We have different energies for different organs through the 24-hour cycle. The Chinese medicine believes that if you wake up at the same time every …

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healthy recipes

Birch Water – Latest Healthy Trend

What will mostly likely become a healthy trend is the natural energy drink – birch water. This sort of water offers all kinds of benefits to your body. Full with vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids (zinc, magnesium, iron, sodium phosphorus, and potassium), this drink is like a DIY elixir. …

healthy recipes