What Does The Condition Of Your Teeth Tell You About Your Organ Health? You Must Know This!

People should definitely pay attention to their teeth, because their condition can indicate certain health problems. According to many experts’ opinion, the condition of the kidneys and the bladder reflects on both the upper and lower front teeth condition.

What Does The Condition Of Your Teeth Tell You About Your Organ Health? You Must Know This!

When it comes to the normal condition of the liver and the gallbladder, they are connected to the canine teeth. The frontal molars are closely related to your lungs and the large intestine because they can reflect the condition of these organs.

The molars 6 and 7 point to the pancreas health, the spleen and the gallbladder, while the wisdom teeth show the condition of your heart and the small intestine.

However, there are some diseases that cannot be indicated by the damage of your teeth, because you might have had the teeth pooled out. This pain is called phantom pain and it usually appears as a signal sent by the affected organ to your teeth.

There is definitely a strong connection between your organs and the teeth, so make sure to pay attention to the condition of your teeth in order to discover diseases as early as possible. Besides, because of this strong pain, you may experience migraines or headaches.

For example, if your root canals are inflamed, you will experience pain in the paradental area. On the other hand, you may experience pain in the frontal area if there is a problem with the lesions of the upper incisors.

The pain in the first and second incisor can indicate possible chronic infection of the upper urinary tract, cystitis, or inflammation of the middle ear.

Constant pain in the first incisor can be a warning for inflammation of the tonsils, osteohondrosis, acute inflammation of the gallbladder walls or hepatitis.

Allergic reactions like asthma or tonsils inflammations, as well as chronic inflammation of the lungs or colitis will be displayed by pain in your fourth and fifth molar.

Certain pain in your lower or upper fourth molar is an indicator that you have some problems with the shoulders or the knees. Besides, it is also a sign that you suffer from inflammations connected to arthritis or even intestine diseases.

When it comes to ulcers, anemia, pancreatitis or gastritis, you will experience pain in the upper 6 and 7.

On the other hand, if you only feel pain in the upper six, it means that you are dealing with tumors of the thyroid, tonsils inflammation, and angina or even inflamed ovaries and spleen.

If you have atherosclerosis, or certain problems connected to the arteries, you will experience pain in the lower molars.

Many experts claim that pain in the lower seven is an indicator of certain lung problems like asthma, inflammation or bronchitis. Besides that, it can also be a sign of presence of polyps in your intestines.

Last, but not least, you should also be aware of the fact that certain problems with your molars are often connected to heart diseases and birth defects. When it comes to caries in this area, it means that you may have stomach ulcers or problems with the endocrine system.