It is good to know few tricks in these winter days when the cold penetrates in our houses, partially thanks to old windows that let it come in, and partially due to the fact that not everyone knows PVC joinery has little secrets. Every penny saved on heating the house can be welcome, so keep reading what different housekeepers recommend.

PVC windows and the door from the balcony have to be adapted to winter regime
As you will see in the first video, open a window and find a place on the side that has a small handle. You can set it up with a help of a screwdriver and the purpose is to specifically regulate the pressure in the window frames.
This video will also teach you something about maintenance of PVC windows, how to lubricate certain parts, but also how to change the rubbers.
Windows that do not have a system for adaptation
There is also a solution for these windows too. It will be of help to do this the following way to protect windows that are not necessary so you could see through them what happens outside.
The following trick is most often recommended, and it only asks for a little bit of input. You will only need two things, duck-tape sticky on both sides and some foil with air bubbles.
Extra tip: you can use these methods to make your pets happier if you keep them outside, and make them warmer.