Moringa tree – The Miracolous tree

Moringa tree is a miraculous tree because it contains every healthy nutrient you can think of: iron, proteins, fats, potassium, vitamin C and carotenoids. Every part of this tree is useful: the leaves, the roots, the flowers… Their utilization in cosmetic products and oils basically makes it clear how great this tree is.

Moringa tree – The Miracolous tree

Therefore, it is no wonder that this tree has been used in medicine, and it is a cure by itself.

The Moringa ingredients are great for dealing with weak immune system and atherosclerosis, they are antibacterial, dealing with all sorts of viruses, tumorous cells and free radicals. The so-called strong points of the Moringa tree are the following:

  • The fibers it contains make the intestines job easier when cleansing the body from wasteful material
  • Antibiotic properties remove gastritis and gastric cancer bacteria, while healing the ulcers at the same time
  • It can serve as water filter
  • The leaves are rich with vitamins and minerals, amino acids and many more useful compounds. 3,5 oz. of Moringa contain: 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 12 times more vitamin C than oranges, 17 times more calcium than milk and 25 times the iron spinach has.
  • Chlorogenic acid found in the plants’ leaves make slow down the sugar aborbance
  • Niaziminin fights cancer
  • Thyroid gland work can be stimulated, but also balanced and this is how it deals with hyperthyroidism too.