The basic idea for the food regime comes from the French doctor Alain Delabosa, who registered his program in 1986. This program had a lot of changes around the world.

What is CHRONO food regime?
- The CHRONO food regime makes it possible to learn the healthy food principles easily and quickly. The right grocery choice and good combinations of different items, can be used in any occasion, at school, at work, at home, on vacation or on a business trip.
- The program does not encompass counting of calories, counting of products and imposing certain amount of food. There are no specific food lists, nor given recipes. The philosophy of the program is to teach every person a basic knowledge for a further healthy lifestyle.
- The three basic principles that serve as a foundation of the CHRONO program are:
- Creating alkaline environment in the organism because acidity causes chronic inflammation and degenerative diseases.
- Right time schedule of daily meals – three meals a day are облигаторѕ (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with a time distance of 4-6 hours in between, when you should not consume any food, and you are only allowed to consume water and herbal teas (no fruit).
- Glucose index – the speed with which certain food increase sugar level in the blood.
It is especially important that all rules have to be applied in the family so the kids can move in the right direction pretty early, with a goal to have long and healthy life.
Those that are affected by the most frequent contemporary diseases of the metabolism, within 10-30 days could decrease the values of cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar.
The program has certain rules and there are requirements that have to be complied, but on the other hand the restrictions are minimal and easily handled.
The program advantage is in that there is never a yo-yo effect, and the metabolism disorders are solved once in for all.
Results show 100% success for everyone who succeeded in handling the basic physiological processes.
- How long should the program last and what products it contains?
In the first phase of the program, so called restrictive regime which lasts 28 days, includes non-consumption of fast sugars in the forms of sweets, fruit, white and brown sugar, artificial sweeteners etc., and alcoholic beverages that contain high alcohol concentration. After this period, certain products are gradually introduced in the diet.
If a patient finds a certain intolerance to a specific food, in the timeframe of 3-6 months, there is detoxification from this food, and after doing it, the product is gradually introduced in the food regime once again.
The change of certain bad habits and acceptance of healthy habits in the diet, as well as handling the basics of physiology of the food should be always complied in the future. This is the basic principle of CHRONO regime.
- Anticipated effects
This program gives incredible results to obese, to diabetics and to all people that have increased fats in the blood or any type of metabolic syndrome. For a very short amount of time, there is an improvement of overall physiological parameters (in the first 24 hours, maximum 7 days). In case of prescribed therapy of the ordinary doctor, the medicine’s action can be maximized and cause undesired reactions, like a drop of the blood pressure and blood sugar. The blood pressure and sugar must then be controlled several times a day, and the therapy has to be decreased, which is not recommendable to be done by the patient itself.
- Group of people that can participate
The program can be used by people of all ages, and is especially good for kids, pregnant women, those that are healthy and have no problems. Special group of people are the ones that are overweight. Practically there are programs for food for the most frequent conditions (anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.) and also special programs for athletes etc.