beauty tips

healthy tips

7 Tips To Deal With Insomnia During Summer Heat!

When temperatures get really high, many people have problems with sleeping. To chill the room where you sleep, we provide a few simple advices to help you get cooler. Use aloe vera gel It is known that aloe vera cools the skin, especially if the tube with this product is …

healthy tips

Why You Should Try Freezing Aloe Vera

The health benefits of Aloe Vera are numerous: with its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, Aloe is an excellent topical treatment for several skin problems. This plant is also a great cleansing agent that helps the digestive system. Some studies have even linked consumption of Aloe with increased insulin sensitivity. …

beauty tips

Aloe Vera: Treat Psoriasis, Dermatitis and Other Skin Problems

Aloe Vera, a plant species of the genus Aloe, has been used for thousands of years in medicine and traditional home remedies for its health benefits. Since it has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it has mostly been used as a topical treatment for various skin problems, including burns and …

healthy food

10 Fruits and Veggies and Their Incredible Health Benefits

Eating lots of vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of various chronic diseases, protect against diabetes and heart disease, promote liver and kidney health and support a healthy body weight. Raw, cooked, hot or frozen, these 10 fruits and veggies will charge you up, fill you with vitamins, antioxidants …

healthy tips

healthy tips

Side Effects of Healing Herbs That You Should Know About

We know about herbs today much more than we previously did: that one healing herb can also have harmful ingredients, but also that the healing depends on their right dosage. We are also familiar with the reactions and collision that can happen combining the herbs with other medications. Here are …

healthy tips

healthy tips

healthy tips