In which month should you gather healing herbs? If you want to find out, check out this calendar!

January: mistletoe
February: mistletoe, pine, birch, as well as similar buds, quitch, couch grass, dandelion etc.
March: quitch, oaks and other crust plants, primrose, nettle, pear, violet, poplar, birch, alumroot, dandelion, chicory, willow crust and others.
April: peony, ivy, hawthorn, bitter clover, pheasant’s eye, woodruff, lungwort, chamomile, day and night, nettle, coltsfoot, shepherd’s purse, primrose, thorn etc.
May: peony, acacia, plantain, henbane, ivy, hawthorn, Peasant’s eye, Iceland lichen, strawberry, chamomile, nettle, dandelion, tame chestnut, dead nettle, blackberries, sweet woodruff, thyme, linden, sage, lungwort.
June: marsh mallow, plantain, birch, cranberry, blackberry, pennyroyal, belladonna, digitalis, mullein, bitter clover, day and night, raspberry, chamomile, calendula, walnut, pear, strawberry, St. John’s Wort, mint, pomegranate, thyme, Iceland lichen, blueberry, centaury, wormwood, lungwort, Shepherd’s purse, radish, meadowsweet, night shade, mint, milfoil, rue, knapweed, May rose, foxglove.
July: cranberry, blueberry, lavender, plantain, birch, wild rose, henbane, mullein, milfoil, linden, sweet clover, mint, blackberry, cumin, crocus, Iceland lichen, St. John’s wort, marjoram, hyssop, wormwood, horsetail, walnut, marsh mallow, mallow, sage etc.
August: plantain, blueberry, hellebore, pumpkin, mullein, hops, cumin, nettle, marjoram, blackberry, thyme, calendula, marsh mallow, mallow, Iceland lichen, juniper, crocus, hyssop, St. John’s wort, wormwood, coltsfoot, agrimony, hollyhock, rue, knapweed, speedwell, nightshade.
September: mullein, wild rose, hops, Iceland lichen, mint, pomegranate, walnut, beans, marsh mallow, nightshade, sweet clover, couch grass, mullein, cornelian, oak bark, wormwood, parsley, crocus, fennel, valerian, hellebore, gentian, rowan tree, foxglove, licorice root, hollyhock, sloes, barberry, onosis spinosa.
October: nettle, beans, parsley, marsh mallow, licorice root, hawthorn, gentian, dandelion, valerian, grass of shigellosis, sloes, onosis spinosa, quince, hellebore, monkshood, angelica, sweet flag.
November: sweet flag, pumpkin seeds, dandelion, valerian, haws, grass of shigellosis, onosis spinosa etc.
December: mistletoe.