How To Cure All Types of Cancer – Dr. Budwig’s Protocol

A doctor named Budwig was nominated for Nobel Prize in Medicine a few times, and she lived more than 90 years, and this are reasons to trust her. She helped cancer patients, regardless of what kind of cancer, and all she was using were natural remedies without unwanted effects. Because …

We Tried, Homemade Pepper Salt

We Tried, Very Tasty Homemade Pepper Salt Ingredients: – Thyme (optional) – Mountain savory (gardened savory suits fine, just it has low odor, optional) – Mint (optional) – 30 dried embroidered red peppers – 10 oz. corn – Sea salt So, peppers (embroidered) are dried (baked) in the oven, here you need …

Eight Herbal Teas You Need to Have in Your Home

Drinking tea is fun and healthy, and while all teas are great, these eight herbal teas are the healthiest ones. The next list of eight herbal teas will help you improve your health, so you need to have them in your home. Use them regularly and you will feel fantastic. …

How This Young Man Cured Diabetes: Recipe Included!

Few years ago there was a man who got diagnosed with high blood pressure and sugar. These two conditions require regular therapy treatment. Fortunately, he found out about this beverage that to everyone’s surprise cured his diabetes. He ruled out conventional medicine, converting to natural treatment including lots of raw …

One Papaya Per Day, Keeps the Doctor Away

You already know about papaya, but did you know that there is more than one reason to eat papayas every day? Didn’t think so. Papaya comes from Central America and Southern Mexico, but it can come from other tropical places. It is very sweet and some people use it as …