Millet grain is extremely rich with fiber, proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is often used in the diet of people allergic to gluten. It has previously been almost forgotten, however as interest for healthy food significantly increases recently, so did the attention turn towards this grain that can be used as an alternate protein source.

Supporters of gluten-free food as well as people suffering from gluten sensitivity, very much appreciate this plant and use it regularly because of its positive characteristics. This plant should find a special place on our table because millet foods are becoming more and more popular.
The Healing Properties of Millet Grain
Millet grain is broadly spread and is grown mostly because of human food. It is of big importance for the crop to be in a semiarid or tropical climate like the ones in Asia and Africa. It is quite popular in India, Nigeria and other developing countries. The plant is favorable because of its productivity but also easy to raise.
Historical data show that this plant has had a very big role within the region where it was grown for 10000 years. It is in the family of grass, has a small grain and is a one-year plant.
Millet has been used as medicine in the diet because of its positive characteristics. It is easy to cook, rich with lecithin and great for strengthening the nervous system.
It contains complex carbohydrates which dissolve gradually, representing a good food choice for diabetics. The good thing about this plant is that to raise it you don’t need pesticides and fertilizers.
It is considered as the least allergen crop. It is known for the fact that it is gluten-free so it has been used as an alternative for gluten intolerant people. It is outstandingly rich with iron, magnesium, phosphorus etc.
Certain types of this crop are rich with fiber, proteins and fats, and this makes it convenient for diets. Other types gradually release glucose so that don’t have a big effect on human metabolism.
How Is Millet Used as Remedy?
If you want a healthy heart, millet crop is the right choice, since it is full with magnesium. One cup of cooked millet can satisfy even 19% of the daily need for this mineral. Another good characteristic is that according to research, it decreases the severity of asthma attacks and lowers the frequency of migraines. It lowers infarct risk and blood pressure, and this is very important to diabetics or arteriosclerosis sufferers.
Millet Crop Helps in Development and Repair of Damaged Tissues
The plants’ ingredients play a significant role in the structure of every cell in the body. It has large influence over the bone formation because of the phosphorus it contains. Besides, the phosphorus has an essential component for us – adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
This molecule is necessary for the human body, this is why the plant is so important! Nucleonic acid is another important component, keeping in mind it has to do with the genetic code. All in all, millet can help with fats metabolism, as well as cell membranes and nervous system structures.
Millet Crop and Diabetes
The plant successfully lowers the risks of type 2 diabetes. According to research, millet and other crops have meaningful influence to this condition, so it is allowed to consume at least 51% of the whole grains related to the weight, to decrease risks of development of heart diseases and certain cancer types, but newest research has proven that it also decreases risk of diabetes.
Prevention of Gallbladder Stone Creation
Food rich in fiber helps women to avoid creation of gallbladder stones. This phenomena was proved by a study conducted in USA. The study showed that often consumption of fiber rich food can decrease the chance of gallbladder stones for 17%, compared to women who do not consume this kind of food. To increase consumption of fiber-rich food for 0.17 oz. decreases the risk for 10%. The non-dissolving fiber lower the secretion of acids, increase sensitivity to insulin and decrease unwanted triglycerides.
Breast Cancer Prevention
One study proved that Millet crop can have a meaningful influence in breast cancer prevention, especially in women before menopause. Scientists consider that women in this period should eat about an ounce a day of this good, to lower the risk of cancer.
If they do this, there is a possibility for the risk to drop for 52%. Whole grain is the best choice.
Exceptional Cure for Kidney Stones
Physiotherapists claim that millet has the ability to help people that have kidney stones. It has been long used in people’s medicine and it is considered to cleanse the kidneys very efficiently, eliminating sand and small stones in the kidneys and the bladder.
You can use this recipe as a medicine. You need to cook about 7 oz. millet with warm water at night, and pour it in a (105.8 oz.) jar. Fill two thirds of the jar with hot water. Close the jar tightly and mix the ingredients by shaking it. Shake it a bit more the next morning, and you will see white liquid. Strain the liquid in another container and drink it during the day. Make a pudding from the rest and eat it for breakfast.
Do the same at night. Consume the liquid for 2 weeks.
Millet Crop Decreases Risk of Child Asthma
According to the American Association for lungs, almost 20 million Americans suffer from asthma. Research has shown that whole grain millet, as well as fish can decrease appearance of child asthma for about 50%. Researchers conducted surveys to get results of how kids are fed. Consumption of certain foods like fish, fruit, milk and certain whole grains can reduce the risk of its appearance.
How to Prepare Millet at Home
Similar to other grains, this plant needs to be carefully washed pre-cooking.
After washing it, most of the millet recipes require to cook it in water. After the liquid starts boiling, reduce the heat, cover it and leave it for 25 minutes. The texture of the cooked millet will be similar to the one of cooked rice. If you want it to be creamy, stir often, adding a small amount of water.
Millet is very important because of the fact that in some countries it is used to produce beer, which makes it very much appreciated in Thailand and East Africa. It is similarly used in Nepal. Millet mash is a traditional food in Russian, German and Chinese cuisine.
Millet grain can be given to small children and even babies, from six months of age. It is a frequent question whether it can be consumed during pregnancy and the answer is yes. It is, in fact, ideal for pregnant women because it is rich with calcium and iron. It is also recommended for mothers and elders.
Millet Calories and Nutritive Value
One cup of cooked millet has about 207 calories, containing copper, phosphorus, magnesium and other useful ingredients. It is recommended for regular use, especially for people with health issues and people trying to lose weight.
25% phosphorus, 24% manganese and 19% magnesium are the magic numbers! The rest include fatty acids, oligosaccharides, plant sterols etc.
Millet grain is important source of liposoluble, hydrosoluble and insoluble antioxidants, but also vitamin E, phenolic acid and phytoestrogen.
How to Prepare Millet Food – Recipes
Many people believe that this crop does not have a good taste and have no wish to try it out! Believe us when we tell you it is not so, and to convince you we provide you the following recipes.
Millet food in Indian way
- Onion
- 1-2 green peppers
- Piece of ginger (chopped)
- Half a cup millet
- Cooking oil
- Salt
- Curcuma
- One medium carrot
- 1 or 2 medium potatoes
- 1-2 tomatoes
- Greens (spinach, kale)
- Optional: peas, beans
- Half a tablespoon of cumin
- 2-3 grains of black pepper
- 1 red chili pepper
- Little bit of butter
- You can add curry by preference
This meal is prepared so that you first chop the veggies. Wash the millet and pour a cup and a half boiling water over it, leaving it to soak for 2-2,5 hours. Heat the oil in a pan, add the cumin, the peppers and the black pepper and the curry, fry it for a bit and add the chopped onion, ginger and the green paper, cooking until the onion softens. Then add the rest of the veggies and the curcuma leaving it on a mild fire for about 2-3 minutes. Add the prepared millet with the water, checking if you need to add salt. Cover the pan and cook on medium heat for 7 minutes. Remove the pan afterwards and add the butter, stirring well.
How to Prepare Mashed Millet
- A tablespoon of vegetable oil
- A cup of millet
- 2 cups of boiling water
- Fruit, milk, brown sugar
Heat the oil in a pan. Add the millet and cook until it changes the color to brown. Add the boiling water, cover it and leave it for half an hour until it absorbs the liquid. Serve adding milk, sugar and fruit by preference.
This is best choice for breakfast.
Millet Stuffed Pepper
- 4 green peppers of medium size
- A cup of dry millet grain
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 medium onion (chopped)
- 1 cup of champignons mushrooms (sliced)
- 1-2 garlic cloves
- 1 tomato sauce
- 2-3 chopped tomatoes
- Half a cup of white wine
Preparation: Heat the oven to 390 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the water to boil in a middle-sized pan. Add the millet, lower the heat, cover it and leave it for 25 minutes.
Remove from the heat, leaving it to cool off for at least 5 minutes. While the millet is cooking, prepare the peppers and clean them on the inside. Put them in microwave, heating for 15 minutes, until they get tender.
Add the olive oil in the pan, the onion and the mushrooms. Cook until the onion is tender. Add the garlic and cook until it becomes darker. Add water and cook the tomato. Add the salt. Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes until it gets thick.
Add this sauce in the millet while stirring. Fill the peppers and put them in a baking pan, adding the wine. Pour the tomato sauce over the peppers. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.
Other Recipes
Millet grain can be prepared in other ways, like for example adding a few ounces in your favorite cookie mix. Also, you can do this adding it a muffin mixture. Whatever recipe you choose – you won’t be mistaken!