If you have troubles with vision, you will be amazed with this remedy. It will improve your vision, but not only that, it will also rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.

With just a few ingredients, you will improve your eyesight and save your money. All the ingredients are cheap, and you will end up with great skin, and better vision. You can also use this remedy for your hair because it will prevent hair loss.
You will need:
- 10 tablespoons of honey
- 3 garlic cloves
- 4 lemons
- 200 gr of linseed oil
Peel, chop and grind garlic. Add the chopped lemons to a bottle but without their rind. Add garlic, linseed oil, and honey in that bottle and shake it. Once you shake it well, remove all the ingredients and with a wooden spoon. Put the mixture in a fridge.
Don’t put on the eyes this remedy, you need to drink it only!
Take one tablespoon of this remedy before every meal, and you will notice amazing results very soon.