The body isn’t resistant to years that pass by, so because of that we have to face irreparable damages, pain, and discomfort. We become less flexible, and our bones and joints become weaker.

Injuries, aging, poor body posture can cause joint pain and lead to complications. If you also have these problems, then you need to face them on time, because if you wait, they can only get worse.
This natural remedy will cure the pain in joints, rebuild your bones and make you feel young again.
You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin (40 grams)
- 50 gr. of pumpkin seeds
- 3 tablespoons of raisins
- 7 tablespoons of flaxseeds
- 220 gr. of honey
- 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds
Mix all the ingredients in the blender, and put the mixture in the glass bottle. Keep this remedy in a fridge.
How to use it?
Take one tablespoon of the mixture two times a day, before breakfast and before lunch.
This remedy will strengthen your bones and joints, but it will also boost your metabolism. You will feel amazing in just a few days!