Sciatic nerve pain, or simply sciatica, refers to the pain usually located at the lower part of the back, but also upper thighs and buttocks. Although sciatica starts in the lower spine, a painful throbbing can be felt all the way down to the feet because of pinched nerves. Sciatica can come and go but is usually repetitive and the pain can sometimes be severe and unbearable.

Sciatica Symptoms
If you suffer from some of the following symptoms or some combination of them, you may be having sciatic nerve pain:
- Pain that originates in the lower back and continues down the back of the thigh, lower leg and even foot,
- Sharp and searing pain in the lower back,
- Pain in only one side of the buttock or leg,
- Tingling in the buttocks and legs,
- Pain that reduces when you lie down or walk but increases when you stand or sit,
- A feeling of numbness, weakness or prickling.
As prevention measures, experts recommend regular exercise as well as certain yoga techniques, but what can one do when she/he is already suffering from sciatic nerve pain? Besides medication, there are certain natural, homemade remedies that can help. The best one involves just three ingredients: garlic, milk, and honey.
Sciatica Homemade Remedy
- Garlick, 4 cloves;
- Milk, 200 ml;
- Honey, a teaspoon.
Crush the garlic cloves and put them in a bowl. Add milk and start cooking. Once the mixture boils, remove from heat and let it cool before adding honey.
The result is an incredibly healthy, anti-inflammatory drink that can help with different types of pain, including back pain. For best results, it should be consumed once a day, before a meal, in combination with light stretches that can relieve sciatica pain.