There aren’t 100% correct methods to differentiate venomous and non-dangerous snakes. Even those that are harmless are colorful, have triangular heads and shake the tail. Still, one picture is worth a thousand words. Check the photos and you’ll see some of most common snake types in Florida.

Garter Snake is the one that is probably the seen the most in USA, than comes a Yellow Rat Snake. The Red Rat Snake also known as corn snake is also frequently seen in Florida. The Black Racer is the one that is most common of all in Florida and these four snake types are 75% of all snakes seen in Florida. These snakes are non-venomous.
The Coral Snake, the Cottonmouth and Diamond back are some of this state’s most dangerous snakes. If you look carefully at how they look like, you will have an idea about these dangerous species. This is not particularly difficult because there is only a little of venomous species.
The famous triangular head test is insignificant because almost all snakes have this sort of heads including Rat snakes, Garter Snakes and also water snakes. However, the venomous snakes of US and FL are almost all pit vipers, which are a very fat specie. So, if you notice a very fat snake, the alarm should be on.
The graph presented explains a few more characteristics in details. But still, do you think you can remember all of these things when you see a snake outdoors? You pretty much won’t go that close to notice the shape of their pupils and we are pretty sure that you will not pick up the snake and check the dorsal vent. Therefore, just look at photos of snakes if you want to be able to differentiate them. The best solution is to leave a snake alone when you see one! This is definitely the best solution, regardless of the snakes venomous characteristics.