Turn Your Gray Hair Back To Its Natural Color With This Amazing Mixture

Our body changes during the years as a result of aging process. One of the signs for getting older is gray hair, which can be caused by genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition, chemotherapy, etc.

Turn Your Gray Hair Back To Its Natural Color With This Amazing Mixture

Beauty industry offers us huge range of products that claim to cover up gray hair, but in most cases those products can cost a fortune, and even worse they contain chemicals that can damage our hair and scalp.


Benefits of coconut oil & lemon juice mixture

Lemon juice is great source of Vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients that protect our hair from becoming gray. On the other hand, coconut oil contains lauric and fatty acids which has the ability to reinforce our hair roots and stimulate hair growth. This oil is often used in hair products as it can moisturize our dry hair and remove excess sebum buildup from the hair follicles.


  • 50 ml. of organic coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice


Place the ingredients in bowl and mix them well.  Apply this mixture on your wet hair and gently massage your scalp. Let it work for about an hour, and then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Repeat this treatment twice a week, and your hair will look great again!