The skin is the largest human organ and its health is of no less importance than the health of other organs. But how can you know that the skin is healthy? What are the indicators of skin health?
If the skin has irregularities, such as wrinkles, age spots, dark blotchy patches or acne, then it certainly needs the attention of a skincare specialist.
But what if there are no apparent signs of skin irregularities? Often the complete picture of the skin’s condition is invisible to the naked eye, and perfect-looking skin might in fact conceal conditions of concern, even cancer.
The whole spectrum of skin condition lies in all layers of the skin, from the outermost layer to the deepest layer.
A detailed picture of the skin can only be extracted through a digital skin evaluation, which documents and analyzes the skin health. It is extremely important that you undergo regular digital skin evaluations not only for the face but also for the other areas of the skin.
The evaluation will help identify the damaged areas of the skin and prevent further complications in skin conditions.
And since a lot of the skin irregularities are caused by exposure to the sun, it is important to have maximum protection from sun damage in the daily routine.
Forty years ago in Persia people were not allowed to leave their homes from 12-5pm because of the excessive heat and sun radiation. Nowadays, thanks to the availability of sunblock such strict restrictions are not necessary.
Just remember to apply the sunblock during the day as well as right before going to sleep. It will help shield the skin from solar radiation and recover from sun damage