Modern toilets bring all sorts of diseases The Israeli Journal of Medical Sciences published a study about the sitting position when going to the toilet and that it actually causes:

- Hemorrhoids
- Intestine inflammation
- Colon cancer
- Pelvic disease
- Crown disease
The frequency of intestine diseases is similar in South African whites and in populations of the rich western countries. The rural places with traditional lifestyle rarely have these diseases.
The classic way of emptying the bowels – seating on the toilet – is not a natural position that stimulates the process. While emptying the bowels in squatting position is physically much more convenient. It straightens the rectum, enabling easier and more thorough bowel emptying, which is not the case with seating.
We can learn a lot from the children’s instinct to squat when discharging the bowel. This instinct is natural, but unfortunately adults do not respect it.
Many research studies confirmed that going through the process in squatting position is simpler and healthier.
The results of a study published in the Digestive Diseases and Sciences newspaper tell a lot. The study was conducted on 28 healthy adult volunteers, in three different toilets.
In the first one, the volunteers used a toilet seat of standard height, in the second one, the seat was a couple inches lower and the third one was without a toilet seat – in squatting position.
A digital timer recorded the time of the process.
It was discovered that the volunteers in the squatting position only needed 51 seconds, in contrast to those that used the standard toilet seat and needed more than 130 seconds. According to these data, the conclusion was that there is some connection of emptying the bowels and the position during the process.
Modern toilet seats contribute to hemorrhoids development
Hemorrhoids appear because of inflamed veins of the lower part of the colon and the anus and can be a consequence of the stressing of the muscles, especially to people with hard stool.
This position on the toilet seat requires more stress and results in slower process. Squatting position is much faster, simpler and more convenient method.
Worsening intestine inflammation
Seating position stresses the muscle Puborectalis which stops full emptying of the bowels. What remains in the intestines enables infection development which results in inflammation and may lead to intestine carcinoma.
The Crown syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the intestines, when the immunological system attacks the digestive tract.
It falls within the IBD group – inflammatory bowel diseases.
Another Australian researcher devoted his research to establishing the connection of human health and the way of emptying the bowel.
The discovery showed that the IBD positively react to emptying the bowels in squatting position. People with Crown disease confirmed significant improvement after only a few weeks and with time all symptoms disappeared.
They affect urinary infections
Same as thorough emptying the bowels, squatting is the best position for urination too. Women have easier time doing this when in squatting position.
Seating position does not completely empty the bowel, and keeping the urine can lead to growth of bacteria – UTIs.
Connection to heart attack
Did you know that a large number of heart attacks and deaths actually happen in bathrooms?
Doctors have spent more than 20 years in studying consequences of over-stressing the muscles in seating position.
The results were that patients suffering from acute coronary diseases are in more danger. Over-stressing the muscles can be avoided in squatting position.
Menstrual problems and toxic shock (TSS)
When women go to the toilet in squatting position, emptying the bladder and the contents from the womb during the menstrual cycle is much easier.
Seating position causes lack of natural stress on the muscle and part of the menstrual liquid stays in the womb. If it stays there for a long time, there is growth of the bacteria Staphyloccocus aureus, and the consequence can be a toxic shock.
Japanese are still doing it!
Even though Japan is the peak of technology development, they still go to the toilet in squatting position, especially the older generations.
Besides health and hygiene advantages the squatting position brings, Japanese people use it because it saves them time. Their explanation is rather interesting, but also wise:
“Thanks to squatting during emptying the bowels, the time we spend in doing this is significantly shorter, which leaves us more time for other things, like hanging out with family and friends”
Squatting position
To go to the toilet in squatting position, you don’t have to climb to your fragile toilet seat or renovate the bathroom.
Instead, you can bring the body in a similar position to the squatting one, if you get a special chair to put on the toilet seat.