We are often in a dilemma when buying honey if we have chosen the real, pure, natural …

If possible, always buy honey directly from beekeeper and if not here are 9 tricks how to recognize real, pure natural honey
- Rub a little honey between finger and thumb until it falls apart. Natural honey is not sticky. If what you rub is sticky, the sugar or artificial sweeteners are present in it.
- Put a few drops of honey on paper or a paper towel. Pure honey will not break through the paper for a long time, because it does not contain water.
- Put a little honey near ants nest. Bees instinctively grade hive on the trees and the rocks. They are placed between to protect against pests, such as ants. Ants will not touch natural honey.
- In a glass of water add 1 teaspoon of honey. Pure honey will coagulate and drop to the bottom, a fake honey will begin to melt and dissolve.
- Spread honey on a slice of bread. Natural honey will harden the bread for a few minutes. Artificial honey will moisten the bread due to water content.
- Real honey will give you a sense of tingling in the mouth just before swallowing. With fake honey that can not be achieved.
- Over time imitation honey will remain smooth as syrup, no matter how long it is stored, while the real honey will crystallize.
- Dip the top of a match in honey and try to ignite. Natural honey will light a match. Fake honey has water therefore not be able to light a match.
- Put two or three teaspoons of honey in the microwave. Heat over at high heat. Natural honey will quickly caramelize and will not become foamy. Fake honey will be difficult to caramelize and will be full of bubbles.