If you are feeling tired and you can’t relax, it seems like you need a good detox. Dry skin and dark circles under the eyes are signs your body has some bad chemicals and toxins in it. The best thing to do is to make yourself a full weekend detox to restore your energy.

You don’t even have to feel tired, to make this weekend detox work. Just keep in mind that your body will be thankful to you and your organs, liver, lungs, intestines, kidneys and lymph will also be clean and toxins-free.
You can make this weekend detoxification few times a year and the results will be amazing. Besides food, you can also drink nettle, dandelion or birch tea. Also, you need to have some physical activities in order for this detox to work.
Plan for a Weekend Detoxification
First, drink about 250 ml of warm water every morning before breakfast.
Breakfast – Drink 250 ml of warm water. As for the breakfast goes, a cup of oat flakes (add a spoon of linseed), 250 ml plain water or green tea, 200 ml diet yogurt (or almond milk), and half a cup of freshly grained blueberries.
Lunch – 250 grams of grilled hake, two cups of salad (you can use green, tomato or arugula), Swiss chard with potatoes and olive oil, banana and a slice of melon. Drink 250 ml plain water.
Snack – 180 ml ordinary yogurt, apple, 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds. Drink 250 ml plain water.
Dinner – Little bit of integral pastry, 150 grams of grilled tuna (you can grill it in a foil or on a barbecue), half cup of steamed vegetables (broccoli or spinach), 2 cups of salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Drink 250 ml of plain water or anise tea.
Breakfast – Drink 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt, eat a cup of oat flakes (add a spoon of linseed), pear and green tea.
Snack – Grapefruit.
Lunch – Veggie soup (carrot, potato, celery, pepper, beans, onions), 200 grams of grilled chicken breasts, 150 grams of a pickle. Drink 250 ml of plain water.
Dinner – A bit of internal pastry, carrot salad and beet with lemon juice, and nettle tea.