Cold weather brings us snow and winter joy, but also common cold and flu. These conditions are very annoying and they can drag for a long time, bringing sore throat, runny nose, cough with them. When it comes to a cough, it can be very annoying and painful, so it is good to know a remedy for it.

So, if you have an annoying cough and it just won’t go away, then you just need two ingredients to get rid of it. This is a proven remedy and it will eliminate a cough in only one day. Don’t be surprised, it is called beer syrup because it includes beer.
For this remedy, you only need two ingredients, and you probably have both of them in your home. Check it out:
Beer Syrup Recipe
You will need:
- 500 ml beer
- 150 gr. brown sugar
First, you need to melt the brown sugar over the low heat (it needs to turn into caramel) and then remove it and pour the beer in.
Return this mixture on the heat, and mix it well, until everything is mixed together. Leave it to simmer for 20 minutes and then remove it from the heat (it needs to have honey-like consistency. Put the mixture in a glass jar, and leave it to cool off.
How to Use?
Just take one tablespoon of the remedy three times a day. If you want to give it to kids, then the dosage is one teaspoon a day.
Note: If you want to treat a dry cough, then add one teaspoon of dried mint leaves to the mixture.