The recommended daily intake of nutrients and their choice depends on many factors and is different for everybody. But, there are few basic rules that need to be upheld in order to have balanced diet and keep your health.

Vitamin C
One of the most important nutrients because it plays a big role in many processes that are part of the normal functioning of our body. It improves the immune system, it works as antioxidant, it helps in wound recovery, it maintains hair, skin and mouth health, it improves the collagen function and the blood veins, it helps in energy increase and exhaustion reduction. When consumed together with iron, it improves the iron absorbance. Lack of vitamin C is most often shown by gums bleeding.
It can be consumed by eating fruits and vegetables, like oranges, lemons, citrons, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, peppers… the daily recommended dose is 40-50 mg. if you over do it, your body will get rid of it with the urine.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a group of minerals that have different role in absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It helps in maintaining the health of the bones and the teeth, as well as normal function of the muscle and immune system. Lack of vitamin D causes weakening of the bones and the muscles and is associated with asthma appearance.
Consume it through fish, eggs and wheat. It is often necessary to consume it as a food supplement, especially in wintertime.
It helps in protein synthesis in the organism, health maintenance of the bones and teeth, electrolytes balance, functioning of the nervous and muscle system and exhaustion reduction. Lack of calcium causes a feeling of weakness, exhaustion, vertigo, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, weak memory and respiratory problems.
Consume it through nuts, wheat, spinach, parsley, arugula and green salad. Recommended dose is 300 mg.
It is the most important mineral that needs to be consumed everyday, sine it regulates blood coagulation, muscle function, teeth and bone health, levels of energy, cell division and digestive enzymes function. Lack of calcium results in weak bones.
Consume it through milk and dairy products. Recommended dose: 700 mg per day.
Potassium is necessary for normal function of the muscles, including the heart. It helps for normal function of the nervous and muscle system and maintenance of normal blood pressure. Low levels of potassium result in exhaustion, dizziness, cramps and low blood pressure.
Consume it through bananas, spinach, parsley, green salad, potatoes, fish and yoghurt. Recommended daily dose is about 3500 mg.
Vitamin E
This vitamin is known as one of the most important nutrients because of its chemical structure which has strong antioxidant properties, it helps in maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Lack of vitamin E can cause health problems, especially neurological.
Nuts, avocado and wheat are a great source of vitamin E. General recommendation is 4 mg a day.
Vitamin K
This is an important nutrients because it helps in regulation of blood coagulation and maintenance of healthy bone system. Lack of vitamin K causes gums and nose bleeding and easy appearance of bruises.
Vitamin K can be consumed through parsley, spinach, green salad, cabbage, kale, wheat and plant oils. Recommended dose: 70mg a day.
Plant fibers are among the most important nutrients. They improve the digestion and intestines work, help in weight regulation, in the work of the immune and cardiovascular system and blood sugar level regulation. These characteristic decrease the risk of chronic diseases.
Consume it through nuts, wheat, fruit and veggies. Daily recommended dose: 28-34 gr.
Choline is one of the essential nutrients that has to be consumed through food to maintain good health. It affects the liver work, the metabolism, the neurological and cognitive system and brain memory. Lack of choline results in liver and kidney problems.
Consume it through eggs (especially the yoke), fish and meat. Recommended daily dose is 450-550 mg.
Vitamin A
Important for vision protection, normal function of the immune system and the bone metabolism, for healthy skin and muscle tissue growth. It also plays a significant role in the reproduction process. Chronic lack of vitamin A can cause immunity decrease and infection development, as well as eyesight problems.
Consume it through vegetables: spinach, kale, carrot, sweet potatoes and food from animal origin – meat, dairy products and eggs. Recommended daily dose is 600mg for women and 700mg for men. Be cautions because this vitamin stays in the body, so you can cause an overdose.