Scientists relate fast eating with common weight gain, blood glucose increase and bigger belly.

If you slowly consume your meal, the chances of gaining weight are lower, as are the chances of developing a metabolic syndrome (a mix of metabolism disruptions like insulin resistance, accumulation of fatty tissues in the belly area, high cholesterol and blood pressure), warn Japanese scientists.
Such condition is developed because fast food consumption cases fluctuation of different sugars in the blood, which can result with insulin resistance.
Glucose is the most important energy source, necessary for muscle work and all processes in the organism, including the brain work.
After eating, the absorption of glucose from the intestines into the blood is regulated by the liver, which ensures precise maintenance of the levels according to a specific range.
The glucose level in the blood shows the fluctuations for every individual that depend on the body activity and thee time passed since last meal consumption. These fluctuations are additionally increased in number of pathological conditions when glucose levels in the blood may be increased (hyperglycemia) or decreased (hypoglycemia).
Research results presented at the annual meeting of the members of the American heart association point to the fact that slower food consumption could be crucial for maintenance of good health. A team of scientists from the Japanese University in Hiroshima, conducted a study of the health of 642 men and 441 women whose average age was 51 years old, out of which no one had metabolic syndrome.
The research participants were divided in three categories according to the described habits when it comes to fast food consumption: slow, moderate, fast.
After five years, the scientists called the participants again.
The concluded that those that had the habit of fast eating had in large percent developed metabolic syndrome – 11,6%.
The group of those that ate with moderate speed, the metabolic syndrome developed in 6,5% of the participants. Those that ate slow had the best results, because only 2,3% of them developed metabolic syndrome.
The scientists connected fast consumption of food with frequent weight gain, increase of blood glucose and abdominal obesity.
Because of the aforementioned, it is important to slowly chew the food because this can enable the receipt of the signals that the stomach is full, and that means that you will not be tempted to overeat. When people eat fast, it seems as if they cannot get enough. In that case, it is very likely that they will eat more food that they actually need.
“Slower eating can be crucial for a lifestyle change that will result with absence of development of metabolic syndrome”, said the author of the study and a cardiologist at the Japanese University of Hiroshima, dr. Yamaji, adding that he hopes that the results of the Japanese research will be implemented between the population of the United States.