This is very popular diet that guarantees you that all the lost weight will not be put back on afterwards. This diet is one of the most popular in the weight loss battle which doesn’t have any negative effects on your health.

The breakfast is the same for 15 days and the ingredients are:
1 fruit (orange , pear, peach ,melon or watermelon and must not be banana or grapes )
Bread rusk (twice toasted bread)
Cup of coffee or Tea without sugar
Day 1
- 1 orange
- 1 boiled egg
- 1 small pot Greek yogurt
- 2 tomatoes or 2dcl boiled tomatoes
- 2 boiled eggs
- ½ green salad or cucumber
- 2 slices rusk ( twice toasted bread)
Day 2
- 1 orange
- 1 boiled egg
- 1 small pot Greek yogurt
- 125gr boiled beef meat
- 1 tomato
- 1 orange
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
- 1 cup of tea or coffee ,without sugar
Day 3
- 1 orange
- 1 boiled egg
- 1 small pot Greek yogurt
- 1 whole pack green salad or cucumber
- 125gr boiled beef meat
- 1 orange
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
- 1 cup of tea or coffee, without sugar
Day 4
- 125gr cows cheese
- 1 tomato
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
- 125gr boiled beef meat
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 apple
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
Day 5
- 200gr boiled meat or fish
- 1 tomato
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
- 1/2kg boiled vegetables (carrots, peas, potatoes)
- 1 boiled egg
- 1 slice rusk (twice toasted bread)
NOTE: The meat and the boiled vegetables are seasoned with dry mixed herbs and a pinch of salt.
Day 6 and Day 7 are without any diet restrictions.
Alcohol is not to be consumed during this diet.
After the fifth day of this diet the weight loss result is from 2,5kg to 5kg. You should stop this diet for two days and repeat the whole process 3 times (5 days+2 days break) and the weight loss result will be 15kg without any consequences towards your health.
The lost weight will not come back if you start eating normally except every Monday.
On Mondays you should consume:
Breakfast: 1 glass lemon juice without sugar
Lunch: 1 apple, 1 slice of rusk (twice toasted bread)
Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 1 tomato,1 rusk (twice toasted bread)