Hot peppers are well known for its healthy properties, but many people don’t know that you can also make healthy oil from them.

You can use pepper oil to treat many conditions like radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia, rheumatism and joint pains. And the most important thing it is easy and simple to make.
To prepare the oil of hot peppers you will need:
- 10 fresh red hot peppers
- 2 cups olive oil cold-pressed
- Glass jar
Wash peppers, cut off the part where the stalk is, and grind them in a meat grinder. You will get about one glass of a fine mixture.
Pour mixture into a clean glass jar and put oil over it. Leave IT in a dark place (such as the lower part of the kitchen units).
After 7 days strain the content of the jar through plastic strainer. Rest of the mixture you can leave it in the fridge and use as a food additive.
Use the reddish oil several times a day when you have joint pain or pain in arms, neck or back by rubbing the right spot with it. After applying this oil, you will feel a burning in the skin, but it will be tolerable or even pleasant, because the oil will heat the deep skin, but without creating a burn.
Be careful with the intensity of applying this magical oil. After a month or two, you can do the procedure once a week or every time you feel the pain in the joints due to changes in weather conditions. Oil store in a dark place.