What would you give up if someone told you to trow away all sources of pain and stress in some sort of magical trash bin?

The key in fighting against stress is not to work on the uncomfortable situation, but the readiness to work less. Some things you do in life only make the situation harder, and when you are prone to such behavior, you are actually adding oil to the fire. In situations when your are cornered by your worries, make it easier on yourself by changing these following ten things about you:
- Get rid of the need to satisfy other people.
- Stop justifying yourself.
- Don’t feel as if you have to have an immediate reaction, some things can wait.
- Let yourself to be unavailable for others, whenever you feel the need. It is okay to sometimes reject a call for hanging out.
- Stop believing that you need just the one thing you don’t have, to be happier or successful. It is not true that there is only one thing that has such a big power, so that it rules your success or failure. There is always a different chance.
- Control your desire to brag. There are people that will see you just the way you are, without you having to prove yourself to them. Those are the only right ones!
- Stop trying to be accepted and loved by everyone. You can never be loved and accepted by everyone and that is okay. Your job is to accept this fact.
- Remember that you don’t have to know every detail. Sometimes life functions in mysterious ways.
- Reject the idea that you must be perfect. Mistakes can and do happen to everyone. It is okay to have someone be a witness of your craziness at some point.
- Do not expose yourself to additional stress by considering yourself as responsible for all the people in your environment. Believe that the caring, universal power of love and justice which is same for everyone will help them. Providing support and help to others is wonderful, but at the moment this starts to cause stress, it is time to let go and let the situation go with the flow.
When you get away from stress and eliminate some of the ‘luggage’, you will get new energy, you will be more open and more expressive. And with this fresh energy you can truly help people.