We all wear uncomfortable shoes and stand a lot throughout the day. Our feet can hurt, but there are some cases when chronic swelling of the tendons on the bottom of the foot occurs.

People who usually suffer from this condition are athletes such as soccer, basketball and tennis players. Also, dancers have high chances to get this condition.
But, there is the ironic fact that people who most frequently get plantar fasciitis are not athletes, but inactive and overweight people. It can also be triggered by wearing high heels.
Plantar fasciitis causes sharp pain when our foot is put under strain. As the time goes by, pain becomes frequent and occurs when the foot is in a resting position. It is very uncomfortable, and the sign of recognition is if you feel the sharp pain when you get out the bed.
The good thing about this problem is that it can be treated and you can use numerous ways, such as stretching exercises, medications, or with a training routine.
One of the newest ways to treat this condition is to use Dr. DeFabio’s massage roller stick. It is easy to find at the market and very cheap, and it can help you a lot. You can even perform this treatment at your home.
Dr. DeFabio uses the so-called “Graston Technique” where he uses a steel instrument to “break down scar tissue, adhesions, to lengthen the tissue, and in terms of plantar fasciitis, to create elasticity and to draw blood into the area”. He applies a lot of lotion so the skin is lubricated and the metal instrument can glide over it.
Using this simple technique Dr. DeFabio reduces pressure on the tendons, and he uses a special tape called “Kinesio Tape”, which is a large tape that is wrapped around the heel and that reaches to the toes.
After that, he applies smaller tape and sticks it to the larger one so the even bigger pressure is on the heel. He leaves the tape for three days and then removes it. After that, the pain will disappear.