Awhile ago, I read about a new way to wash your hair – Cowash (conditioner wash). I decided to try it out, but it was a bit odd to me for one conditioner to wash the hair when it contains ingredients different than the ones in the shampoo, which by default, do not clean your hair.

However, this method does make the skin soft and shiny and beautiful. The basic recipe for this type of hair wash is conditioner plus sugar. The role of the sugar in this technique is to remove the dirty stuff in your hair. There are different recipes for different hair types.
So, for hair that has medium length, you’ll need two spoons of sugar and two and a half spoons of hair conditioner. Make sure that the conditioner does not contain silicones. This is really important because silicones will make your hair heavier and you will not be able to wash them off. Use a more natural conditioner instead.
Apply the mix on a nicely dump hair, and massage the scalp with slow movements, without applying too much pressure, and then move on to the hair length. Leave it to work for about two minutes and then rinse well.
It is necessary to clean the hair well, thoroughly, paying much more attention than when using shampoo. At the end, you have to finish the washing with colder water to improve the hair shine.
If you do not get the desired result the first time, do not get dissapointed. Experiment with the quantity of sugar and conditioner and find the right amount for you!
1. Greasy hair
- One and a half tablespoon of sugar
- A bit less than a tablespoon of green clay
- Two and a half tablespoons of hair conditioner
- 4 drops of rosemary or lavander etheric oil (if you have it at home)
Use this mixture to wash the hair with the previously described method and the result will be clean, nice, shiny and beautiful hair which will last for about 3 whole days.
Second method for oily hair:
- Two tablespoons of sugar
- One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
- Two and a half tablespoons of conditioner
The procedure is identical, and the result is astonishing!
2. Normal hair
If you have normal hair that does not get oily often, prepare this recipe:
- One and a half tablespoon of sugar
- Half a tbsp of corn flour
- Two and a half tablespoons of conditioner
Apply the mixture on a dump hair and massage gently. Leave it to work about 2 minutes and rinse well. The corn flour makes the sugar effect milder.
A second recipe:
- Two tablespoons of sugar
- One teaspoon of honey
- One teaspoon of yoghurt
- Two tablespoons of hair conditioner
The procedure is the same as the one in the first recipe.
Dry, very dry and curly hair
Pick a thicker and more nutritive hair conditioner or a good hair mask.
- One tablespoon of each sugar and corn flour
- Two tablespoons of nutritive hair mask
- Half a tablespoon of olive, almond, argan or avocado oil (whichever one you prefer)
Apply the mixture on a dump hair and massage gently, without pressure. Rinse well and finish with slightly colder water to add shine.
You may not see the results for the first few times, but it is worth giving it a chance with a longer period of probation. When you finally see the results, you’d be happy you tried it!
Here are a few rules that you have to keep in mind when using the method of Cowash:
- Always pick silicone free hair conditioner
- Rinse the hair much more carefully than you would if using a regular shampoo
- Be careful with the intesity you massage the scalp with. It needs to feel nice.
- You are free to alter the dosage, we are all different and you can adjust the treatment to your needs. More specifically, your hair’s needs.
- It is best if you alter between using this method and using a mild shampoo (one time with Cowash, one time with mild, organic, silicone-free shampoo)