This Amazing Smoothie Recipe Gets Rid Of Bone And Ankle Pain In No Time!

Pain in the bones and ankles can be unbearrable. Due to many factors, our bones become more fragile. Because of all that, you need to eat healthy food, or more precisely – increase your calcium intake! Calcium is found in dairy products and therefore, you need to consume these as much as possible.

This Amazing Smoothie Recipe Gets Rid Of Bone And Ankle Pain In No Time!

No matter the cause, bone and ankle pain can be chased away with this remedy. The contents of this remedy are almond milk which is very rich with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C (A is really good for the eyes) and Bananas which are rich with B complex vitamins, fibers, minerals and also contain lots of potassium which is good for the heart health.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 7 oz. of almond milk
  • 5 oz. of papaya
  • One banana
  • Honey

Preparation and consumption:

The preparation is really simple. Just peel the banana and the papaya and cut them in small pieces. Pay attention to the fruits, they must not be too ripe. Put them in a blender and add almond milk and honey. You can use one or two teaspoons of honey.

This remedy is really good for your health, it will make you stronger and prevent many diseases. It will get rid of ankle and bone pain. It is necessary to consume this drink 3 times a week with the breakfast. You will notice improvement after only a few days.