High cholesterol and cardiovascular problems are common in the modern world. To reduce these problems, you need to take bad drugs that have a lot of side effects and cause other problems. Instead of that, you can try out basil plant that will help you in a natural way.

Basil is an excellent plant that can be used for many different things. It was used in ancient time and it is full of phytonutrients and often used for treating different health conditions.
You can grow basil in tropical and warm climates, and there are more than 60 variants of it. If you want to grow it at your home, just snip off budding heads each time they appear, and cut below the base of a leaf just to let new branches appear.
Always use fresh basil because it has pleasant flavor and it will eliminate bad cholesterol. It also contains vitamin K that is great for blood clotting. Here are just some of health benefits of this amazing plant:
Natural Antibiotic
You can use basil to fight harmful and bad bacteria, and the best way to do that is to is to mix basil with garlic and eat this mixture.
Contains Antioxidants
Just by eating basil you will improve your immunity simply because it is full of powerful antioxidants that can fight free radicals in your body.
Cleanse Blood Vessels
Basil will clean your blood vessels and keep them clean for a long time.
Besides all of this, basil can also treat a cough, headaches, constipations and even kidney diseases. Just make yourself a cup of fresh basil tea and enjoy it.