Eating corn on the cob is an unforgettable moment. It always reminds us of childhood memories or love.

This period is perfect time for preparing these yellow sweets. because you can find fresh solutions in the groceries.
But, are you still boiling the corn on conventional way into pure water? If you still preparing boiled corn on this way, I’m sorry but I should tell you are doing it totally wrong. You can hate me, but let me show you a little secret.
The best chefs always go out of conventional ways of cooking, just follow their advices.
After this cooking trick, you will be able to prepare corn on the cob on the best way and all of your friends will be amazed of your cooking skills.
It is very simple. While your corn cooks add butter and milk in the boiling water.
Kernels will absorb the delicious milk and butter taste. Thus avoids a messy process of slathering corn in butter before eating. Now you prepare totally different corn on the cob, just enjoy your meal.
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