If you have a gym membership and you want to build a strong, sculpted booty, definitely try some – or even better, all – of these exercises.

To start this routine, it’s best to first do some light cardio for 5 minutes. To finish it properly, stretch for about 5-7 minutes. And for best results, make sure you’re doing at least 2 but no more than 3 sets per day, 3-4 times per week.
Lying Leg Curls
- Lie on your stomach on the leg curl machine;
- Put your feet under the foot pads, so that the pads are resting on your ankles;
- Hold the machin handles with your hands, or if there are none, grip the front of the machine bench;
- Begin by curling your legs upward by bending your knees and make sure you’re not arching your spine;
- Slowly and steadily return to the starting position;
- Repeat 15 times.
Squat to Row
- Stand in front of a cable machine with your feet pointed straight and shoulder-width apart;
- Grab the handles with your arms extended in front of your chest;
- Lower into a squat, making sure your thighs are parallel to the floor;
- Simultaneously stand up from the squat and row the band by pulling your shoulder blades together;
- Each time you squat, press through your heels and pull your shoulder blades back to row the bands;
- Repeat 15 times.
Barbell Squat
- Face the barbell that is supported on top of the traps with your chest up and feet placed a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Take the barbell and make sure it’s supported with your shoulders;
- Lower into a squat while refraining from moving the hips backward – your knees should be aligned with your feet. Inhale;
- Exhale while returning to the starting position with your torso upright;
- Repeat 15 times.
Kneeling Cable Kickbacks
- Get on your hands and knees on a flat bench, placing your palms underneath your shoulders. Make sure your back is flat;
- Attach the cable/ankle cuff on your right (or left) ankle;
- Bring the cuffed leg upward, lifting your knee up behind your hip, until your thigh is parallel to the floor;
- Tighten your core to keep your back straight;
- Steadily lower your knee, bringing your leg back into the starting position;
- Repeat 15 times on one leg, and then do the same with the other one.