It might be fun to hear about what different people use as home remedy for various ailments 🙂

- Hair pulling to get rid of a headache, so the whole “not tonight honey, I have a headache” thing can be solved by hairpulling
- Gargle salt water helps soothe a sore throat. Just make sure it’s not too salty or you’ll gag
- Spicy udon noodles for sinus congestion. Add Sriracha for extreme cases.
- drink vinegar for muscle cramps
- baking soda baths for blisters and rashes
- eating almonds and pears to help coughs
- looking at distant green objects to help eyesight/ eye strain
- sucking on sunflower seeds for sore throats
- banana peels to draw out splinters
- garlic infused lemon juice to lower blood pressure
- apples or apple juice to soothe acid reflux
- cabbage wrapped around swollen area to reduce swelling
- Apples with peanut butter does work very good for acid reflux.
- Guinness extra stout beer, one bottle a day relieves the joint pain in fingers.
- Drink a glass of water upside down to get rid of hiccups. Works. Every. Time. It’s weird really.( You lean over forward and place the rim of the cup on your top lip. As you lean foreward you drink. It takes practice but it works for me every time)
- Just down a shot of vinegar. Works instantly for hiccups
- To make a mosquito bite stop itching, just cover it with a healthy layer of your saliva. Works every time.
- Hot lemonade for a hangover. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass or mug. Add boiling water and honey or sugar. Drink it.
- Rub a paste of meat tenderizer and water on a bee sting to stop the pain.
- Neti pot + lukewarm mildly salty water (for those who say they felt like they choked on water) for chronic sinus infections
- Duct tape for warts. Always works.
- Easy cure for head lice. Listerine (the mediciney kind, not the minty kind). Douse your head with it (a spray bottle works), put on a shower cap, wait a couple of hours, then shampoo
- Sex for headaches/ migraines. Sex encourages production of endorphin which is why it helps with pain.
- Gargle with cayanne pepper for a sore throat. Unless I have tonsillitis, it gets rid of the sore throat with a few gargles. Research has found capsaicin blocks the transmission of pain signals, it’s also used in some analgesic pain creams. Does not taste so delicious, howeve
- Scalding hot water for poison oak/poison ivy. I mean as hot as you can take. Not only does this feel amazing (I swear it’s almost orgasmic), but it relieves itching far better than anything else you can apply.
- 2 tsp of Bicarb soda in a half glass of water for reflux or indigestion.
- Apple cider vinegar for blemishes. Just apply a dab or two to the affected area before bed. Rinse with lukewarm water the next morning. Blemish will be gone or noticeably smaller. Repeat if necessary
- Put a touch of sour cream or yogurt immediately on minor burns. The coldness helps to stop further burning, the thickness helps it to stay put, and some sort of dairy-related magic helps to make it all better.
- If you have inflammation in any muscle in your body, drink half a gallon of pineapple juice.
- Got one of those dull, claustrophobic headaches that painkillers just won’t touch? Get the hottest chilli product you can find, and eat as much as you can handle, being sure to lick your lips and get it round your mouth a little. The burning glowing sensation produces endorphins in quantity, and you will feel SO MUCH BETTER within five minutes
- For an irritation on skin, like a burn, pimple or bug bite, make a paste out of water and corn starch, but it on and let it dry. It helps cool it and make it less red. Helps with the pain. Also, if you have a bad sunburn, cut some slices of potato and place them on the burn.
- Hiccups? Get a lemon wedge (1/4 or 1/8 lemon) and jam that thing in your mouth like a boxer’s mouth protector or cover a glass of water with a paper towel and drink through it.
- To miraculously rid yourself of a kidney stone, drink from 2 quarts to 2 litres of Coca-Cola as quickly as you can, then eat 4oz/120ml of cooked pureed asparagus and drink a glass or two of water.